Learning in the Digital World (Week 1 Blog Post)

In my previous post, I discussed how important digital technology is in this modern world we live in. I am currently on my learning journey with the aim to become a primary school teacher once finished. It is incredible to reflect on how far digital technologies have come since my schooling years and while I am studying via distance, all learning is to be done online. As previously discussed, many primary schools integrate technology into the learning process and nearly all learning is done on a computer. With the implementation of digital technologies in this modern era, I believe that this new method of learning aims to enhance engagement, is able to adapt to all learning styles and prepare students for the digital age we currently live in.

This week has been an incredible eye opener, and in all honesty, a shake to the system. At the end of this week, my brain felt like it was going to explode and there was a real feeling of stress which is not ideal for early on in the semester. However, we are taking this one week at a time and I will do my best to ensure that I am able to make some good discussions!

Upon reflecting on my previous post, I have been able to broaden my understanding of various concepts surrounding digital technologies. Brown (2017) outlines that digital literacy is intricate and multifaceted which can ultimately lead to challenges such as societal disengagement. There is a clear lack of definition in relation to digital literacy and this ultimately can hinder advancements in areas such as education, identity and civic participation (Brown, 2017). Brown (2017) discusses how digital literacy is incredibly important for feeling the sense of belonging within a community and I have been able to specifically relate this to my learning this week. As previously mentioned, I have found this week to be a real struggle, managing workload and understanding new topics. However, I have felt a sense of belonging in the community of this course and that has helped me get through the week, as well as enhancing my learning by talking to others, reading other people’s blog posts and always being able to ask questions if I am stuck. This example has further emphasised the point made by Brown (2017) in shaping communities and enhancing learning dynamics. Furthermore, Netsafe (2018) highlights how embracing our competencies such as principals, contextual understanding and digital adeptness can lay the foundation for a community characterised by adept digital citizens and learners.


Brown, M. (2017b). Critical review of frameworks for digital literacy: Beyond the flashy, flimsy and faddish – part 2. Retrieved from http://blog.ascilite.org/a-critical-review-of-frameworks-for-digital-literacy-beyond-the-flashy-flimsy-and-faddish-part-2/ 

Netsafe. (2018). From literacy to fluency to citizenship: Digital citizenship in education. New Zealand. Retrieved from https://netsafe.org.nz/the-kit/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/From-literacy-to-fluency-to-citizenship_July-2018.pdf

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